Designed and developed the official website for SAUCED, a premier cannabis brand.

The website,, serves as the brand’s primary online presence, offering an engaging and informative platform for customers to learn about and purchase their products.

Web Development: SAUCED

Brand Representation:

  • Developed a sleek and modern design that embodies the premium quality and innovation of SAUCED.
  • Ensured the website design mirrored the brand’s aesthetic and core values.

User Experience (UX):

  • Created an intuitive interface for smooth navigation and interaction.
  • Made sure the website was fully responsive, offering an optimal experience across all devices.

E-commerce Integration:

  • Integrated a powerful e-commerce platform to support product listings, detailed descriptions, customer reviews, and secure payment options.
  • Established a straightforward shopping cart and checkout process.

Content Management:

  • Implemented a content management system (CMS) to facilitate easy updates and management of website content, such as blog posts and product updates.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

  • Enhanced the website’s SEO to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Applied best practices for on-page SEO, including optimized meta tags, alt text, and keyword usage.

Security and Performance:

  • Secured the website to protect customer data and transactions.
  • Optimized performance for fast loading times and reliable uptime.

Enterprise Architecture and ERP:

  • Secured the website to protect customer data and transactions.
  • Optimized performance for fast loading times and reliable uptime.

Key Features

  • Home Page: An attractive design featuring high-quality visuals, an overview of the brand, and quick access to key sections.
  • Product Pages: Comprehensive pages for each product, complete with images, descriptions, ingredients, usage instructions, and customer reviews.
  • E-commerce: A fully integrated shopping cart, secure checkout, multiple payment methods, and order tracking.
  • Blog: A section dedicated to cannabis culture, product insights, and related content.
  • About Us: Detailed information about the company, its mission, and its team.
  • Contact: A user-friendly contact form, customer support details, and social media links.
  • ERP Dashboard: A secure and intuitive interface for managing business operations, accessible to SAUCED’s internal team.


  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React
  • Backend: AWS, Node.js, Express
  • Database: AWS, Azure, MongoDB
  • CMS: Content Management System
  • E-commerce: Shopify, WooCommerce, or a custom-built solution
  • ERP: Oracle, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 365, or a custom-built solution